The International Summer School 2022 “Towards an ecological city: Water and Public Space Design along Naviglio Pavese” will be held from 11 to 16 July 2022. The AUDe laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Pavia, organizes an intensive International Design Summer School for students of the Building Engineering-Architecture and Architecture courses who want to expand their knowledge on the relationship in urban design between water and the city. The Summer School will promote reflections and ideas on the themes of the ecological city, public space and the relationship between nature and the urban environment, as well as between water and public space. The objective of the Summer School is to allow students to participate in a design experience and to learn about the international professional realities that work on the themes of the ecological city project. Students will be asked to develop project proposals that connect the Naviglio Pavese to the city of Pavia through a renewed use of public space.
Furthermore, students will have the opportunity to meet researchers and professionals in series of lectures and to develop their own design ideas through the design of public space.
Intensive international summer school on Mobile architecture for outdoor tourism. From 2 to 7 October 2023 with the close collaboration of the AUDe (Architecture and Urban Design Researche Lab).
Pablo Altaba (UJI), member of the H2O Map project, participated in the EPAC VI congress. There, he exposed the ERASMUS + project “H2OMap” as an innovative tool which introduces heritage in high schools together with ICT.
University of Pavia, Partner of H2OMap, organizes an intensive International Summer School for PhD stundents, Master students and Bachelor Students of different disciplines from international universities who want to broad their knoledges on the relation between water and the city. The other university partners participate in the course with lectures and attendees.
Last Friday 24, the FACSA Chair of Innovation in the Integral Water Cycle, presented the event organised by Universitat Jaume I the Mediterranean Night of Researchers where H2OMap participated with a workshop and with the preparation of a poster.
The workshop: “Underground waters, the engine of hydraulic heritage. Origin and conservation” concentrates on the importance of studying natural heritage in depth, this was highlighted with the intention of using this precious resource without compromising future generations, because “without water there is no life”.
In addition, two of the European projects being carried out by researchers from the Chair were exhibited through posters made by H20Map.

In 2019, the FACSA-UJI Chair of Castellón created “Historias del Agua”, a blog on hydraulic heritage. The blog entries try to educate and raise awareness in society in general in the culture of respect and appreciation of hydraulic heritage.
Orihuela’s City Council, Alicante’s Provincial Council and the University of Alicante, in collaboration with the Institute of Water and Environmental Sciences of the UA, among other public and private institutions, have launched the III National Water Congress, which will address “The Extreme Phenomena: droughts and floods”. It was held in the city of Orihuela, at the facilities of the Mediterranean Foundation’s Culture Room, on September 30 and October 1.

Laura Menéndez, member of Facsa – Uji Chair has highlighted the H2OMap project inside the publication: “El patrimoni hidràulic com a element identitari del paisatge, la ciutat i la societat mediterrània.”