
H₂O Map is a 3-year (Sep. 2020 – Aug. 2023) strategic partnership project for school education (Erasmus+ KA201) coordinated by the FACSA chair of Innovation in the Integral Water Cycle from the Jaume I University. KA2 Actions are all about enabling organizations to work together in order to improve student learning and share innovative practices.
H₂O Map’s purpose is to promote the use of new technologies using ICT and STEM to increase the quality of education, analyze water resources and value hydraulic heritage, as well as the ethical and civil responsibility which we must all protect.


Improve skills in ICT tools

Increase the interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)

Valuing the European hydraulic heritage

Project development

The project develops an educational multiplatform for hydraulic heritage mapping with the objective of valuing this cultural asset and highlighting its importance for local development.

Furthermore, the methodological guide is an easy-to-use manual that helps teachers in the acquisition of knowledge about this new methodology to improve students’ ICT and STEM skills.

Finally, the e-learning course allows teachers to learn in a practical way about teaching innovation tools related to heritage mapping. They also receive advice on how to implement these tools with their students.



Universitat Jaume I (Coord.)
Universitat d’Alacant
IES Peñagolosa


Università degli Studi di Pavia
Istituto Superiore Taramelli-Foscolo


Agrupamento Escolas de Campo Mayor
Agrupamento de Escolas No. 3 de Elvas.